dot-town Biz-Plus Portals:
Your 'Digital Main Street'
Digitally Turbocharge Your Town
Digitally turbocharge your town, BID, or Chamber with one of our dot-town Biz-Plus Portals. Far more than just a website, our 'Digital Main Street' site sets the foundation for your town's digital future and serves as the platform to digitally upgrade your town's businesses: Restaurants can get online order menus and smart reservations; retailers can get an ecommerce storefront; service businesses from haircutters to healthcare providers can get online appointments. We even include a free town-wide digital Gift Card. All for an unbeatable price.
Your sleek new business-focused Biz-Plus Portal is designed to drive site traffic and engagement with family-friendly games and 'single source' content. The free Local Classifieds are a natural fit to bring together local job seekers and local businesses looking to hire. Custom Holiday Sales page included!
Our Digital Main Street websites are affordable and grant-eligible. Custom grant packages and grant application assistance is available.
Our componentized RAD (Rapid Application Development) framework allows us to build a website for your town, BID, or Chamber fast, for an unbeatable low price. Our site hosting plans include weekly content updates and daily content moderation plus maintenance and support. Contact us today to digitally turbocharge your town tomorrow!
"Your dot-town, your dot-way."